Call (616) 844-9996 to Schedule a Delivery

Delivery Prices

$45 for 0 – 2.5 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

$50 for 2.6 – 5 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

$65 for 5.1 – 10 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

$95 for 10.1 – 15 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

$110 for 15.1 – 20 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

$110 Base fee plus $2.00 a mile added beyond 20.1 Miles from Crossroads Retail Center

Delivery Policy

Our trucks are prohibited from driving on undeveloped or unimproved surfaces, over curbs or on sidewalks. This is to prevent damage of property for both client and business. If the customer does request and directs any truck or trailer owned by Crossroads Property Services to dump in a location other than paved or aggregate covered surface, the client must sign a waiver stating Crossroads Property Services is not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that could occur from the truck, trailer, or delivery of material before the dump can be made. If a delivery driver has proper signatures and has been instructed to dump in a location that has not been deemed an improved surface and becomes stuck, the client will be held responsible for the full cost of the tow and a charge of $65 per hour from the time the truck got stuck until the truck is removed from the site.